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Whitepaper provides practical approach to Non-Financial Reporting for transparent and fair supply chains

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Whitepaper provides practical approach to Non-Financial Reporting for transparent and fair supply chains

How can you demonstrate the impact of products in the supply chain, for example where biotextiles or coffee come from and what the actual impact of production is on biodiversity? What data do you need for this and how do you monitor the integrity of that data?

Transparency and accountability in worldwide supply chains

Society increasingly demands transparency and accountability from companies in global supply chains. This so-called “Non-financial reporting” goes much further than reporting on CO2 emissions, and is linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the CSRD (EU).

Whitepaper combines approach to blockchain technology and data spaces architecture

With the report ‘Accountability and Transparency in Global Supply Chains – Digital Traceability and Trust in Complex Supply Networks’, Topsector Logistiek, Connekt and TKI Dinalog provide a practical approach to this issue. The starting point is a combination of blockchain technology and data spaces architecture in order to arrive at a joint ‘supply network of trust’, i.e. a chain in which accountability and traceability are central.

This whitepaper is the basis for practical testing of the methodology.